Published: Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Pictured are winners from the February 28, 2017 Competition.



Mira Room ~ Chester County Hospital

Meeting ~ Bob Kelly called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Chester County Camera Club.  Bob asked everyone to please silence their cell phones.


New members and guests ~ There were 3 new members and 1 guest at the meeting.  Bob welcomed them and explained how the camera club competitions are conducted.  Bob reminded competition winners to stay after the meeting ended so they could have their photo taken.


Next Meeting, 3/14/17 ~ The next meeting will be back in the Rhodes Building on March 14.  Please be aware that there will be construction to add ADA compliant crosswalks at the intersection of Marshall Street & Convent Lane.  This will prevent any drop-offs in the circular driveway in front of the Rhoads Building.  Also, some of the parking across the street will be blocked (most likely the first row of spaces).  Please be prepared to arrive a few minutes earlier than normal.


Committee Reports ~

*    Members Forum ~ Nancy Codaro announced that the next Members Forum pre-meeting will be at 6:30 on March 14.  Anita Bower will present, “Adding Textures to Images.”  The meeting will be held in the Rhoads Auditorium.

*    Monthly Meeting ~ Guest Speaker, Larry Lefever, will present "Miksang: Architectural Street Photography” at 7:30 on March 14.

*    Club Outings ~ Howard Sundwall’s told the club that the next outing will be to Laurel Hill Cemetery on Sunday, March 12, 2017 from 5:00 - 8:00 pm.  We’ll arrive just before sunset and capture the golden hour in this unique place.  After dark there will be a full moon so we’ll have opportunities for some atmospheric shots and perhaps some light painting.  Plan on meeting at Panera Bread in Exton at 5:00 pm to carpool to the cemetery.  If you prefer to drive yourself, then please meet at the cemetery gate (3822 Ridge Ave.) at 5:30 p.m.  We need to enter as a group.  The fee is $25 per person.  For more information, please refer here:  /club/Events_view.aspx?Eventid=220c0093-1075-4d49-874b-3e33189f95d9 

*    The next bus trip will be to Baltimore & Annapolis on June 3.  The cost will be $65 per person.  Registration for the trip will begin the first week in March.  These bus trips are very popular so members are encouraged to sign up ASAP.  Stay tuned for more details.


Competition ~ Dick Greenwood, Competition Manager, introduced Tuesday night’s judge -- Bob Lyons.  The theme was Macro Photography. 


Robert "Bob" Lyons, who until his 2015 retirement, led the Longwood Graduate Program for the University of Delaware.  He is a nationally respected photographer and judge for the American Society for Horticultural Science and Garden Club of America events.

Bob holds a PhD in Horticultural Science from the University of Minnesota.   It was during his graduate years (1972-76) at Minnesota that Bob developed his addiction to photography, particularly the photography of plants and landscapes.  Bob has taught, and continues to teach, classes in photography at several botanical gardens and arboreta in the Philadelphia region, and has shown his work nationally.

His works have been published in numerous plant identification databases, the Time-Life Books series, and Scientific American publications.

When asked what he looks for in a “winning” image, Bob readily responds, “I really like to see a sharply focused closeup subject, even if the background is softly blurry.  My favorite lighting is natural and overcast, leaving colors saturated and intense.”

As far as what he deems important in an image, Bob asserts, “In my eyes the most important thing in an image is technical and compositional clarity.”



Minutes submitted by Stephanie Vacek, Secretary 

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